Does Your Commercial Building Need a New Roof? Here’s How to Tell

Do you own a commercial property with a roof that might need fixing? Empire Construction Group services homes and businesses across Kansas. Our experiencing in roof maintenance and repair has taught us many things, including what signs to look for when a roof might need replacing. Here’s what you should know about commercial roofing.

Fall Remodeling Projects to Spruce Up Your Home

Looking to revamp your home during the fall months, but unsure where to start? Empire Construction Group has collected some of our top remodeling ideas for the fall season. Here’s what you need to know about those fall renovations.

5 Tips for Choosing a New Front Door

Your doors are more than just entryways to your home. They’re the first thing a visitor, or potential buyer sees when they arrive to enter. Your front door speaks volumes about your sense of style. It can add or detract from the ambience of your home.